Updated Daily
"THE FLAMING BULL": This graph shows intermediate term technical trends for the 250 securities I follow. The recent individual stock ratings that this table is derived can be seen in the Alerts And Intermediate Trends By Stock Symbol.
+++ (Dark Green) The number of securities with intermediate term MACD trending up and above the signal line, 50 day moving average line trending up and 200 day moving average line trending up.
++- (Light Green) The number of securities with intermediate term MACD trending up and above the signal line, 50 day moving average line trending up and 200 day moving average line trending down.
+-- (Yellow) The number of securities with intermediate term MACD trending up and above the signal line, 50 day moving average line trending down and 200 day moving average line trending down.
--- (Brown) The number of securities with intermediate term MACD either trending down and/or below the signal line, 50 day moving average line trending down and 200 day moving average line trending down.
Simply put, the first -+ position represents the MACD rating, the second position represents the 50 day MA rating, and the third represents the 200 day MA rating. All my 250 stocks are rated in this manner daily in table format
The +++ (dark green) area is set as the foundation. These stocks have all three fundamentals rated positive.
The +-- (yellow) area is set above the green ratings. I do this because though this can be considered the first buy signal, some stocks will maintain this rating even though trending down after a major short term decline.
The data is stacked, not overlayed.
Watch the flame to indicate the intermediate market trend.
This chart graphs the stock counts of each of the four technical indicator formulas used in the Flaming Bull table above rather than charting only "bullish" and "all negative" combinations.
The four lines plots trends for the 250 stocks I follow:
This graph plots the market's short term EKG, so-to-speak. It considers several key short term technical indicators for the 250 stocks I follow. If a stock lacks any key weak technical indicators, it is plotted as dark green. Of those, if the technical indicators are very strong, potentially signaling overbought, it is plotted as bright green. Interesting patterns result. Possibly a good timing tool, if you're into that kind of thing.
This chart takes the above two graphs to the next level. Rather than plotting whether a technical indicator is trending up or down, this chart gives an indication of "To What Extent" since it averages the price/indicator's spread.
It graphs the average of the percentage spread of the stock price to both 50 (light green) and 200 (dark green) day EMA for all 250 stocks. A stock that is 10% above it's 50 day EMA would contribute +10% to the average - a stock 10% below it's 50 day EMA would contribute -10% to the average.
The weekly MACD (blue) is also averaged similarly by subtracting the signal line from the moving average line. The total average is multiplied by 20 to make the trend more visible thus crossovers of the weekly MACD line with the EMA lines are of no significance.
This table shows a summary of where my 250 stocks rate technically, short term, on a daily basis in the past year. The recent individual stock ratings that this table is derived can be seen in the Simple Short Term Ratings - Last 10 Days table.
Each stock, each day, is given an overall score based on short term technical indicators for 20 and 50 day moving averages, stochastics, MACD, Money Flow, and RSI. Considerations are for the indicator itself, the trend, and breakout. The scores vary, like from -2 ( very negative rating) to 2 ( very positive rating) in some cases, for each consideration and summed to give the total rating.
The score ranges are shown in the respective column head and foot. The number in that column is the number of stocks who's score falls into the header range for the date in that row.
The cells are color coded to help spot the trend and concentration.
This graph gives an excellent indication of short, intermediate and long term market trends.
For each trading date, the line shows the number of days, out of the previous 50 days, that more of the 250 stocks had a positive technical trend score than negative. This score is derived from the Short Term Daily Technical Trend Table Of My 250 in the above section.
The center line is 25. Being above the center line for an extended period indicates a longer term "bull market", being below the line indicates a "bear market."
The direction of the line indicates the shorter term trend.
This graph plots 5 and 25 day daily average volume results for each trading date for the 250 stocks.
This graph plots 5 and 25 day average for the daily total dollar volume of the 250 stocks I follow.
This graph plots average volatility trends of the 250 stocks. The current individual stock results that this table is derived can be seen in the Volatility By Stock Table table.
For each trading date, the results are the 5 and 25 day average daily volatility. Volatility is calculated as the daily percent change high/low for each stock
This graph plots volatility "range" trends of the 250 stocks. The current individual stock results that this table is derived can be seen in the Volatility By Stock Table table. For each trading date, the results are the 25 day average daily volatility. Volatility is calculated as the daily percent change high/low for each stock
The results show the number of stocks of the 250 that fall into that volatility range.
Each color is a volatility range as shown in the legend.
The ranges run from most volatile at the bottom to least volatile at the top.
The charts and tables here do not represent any recommendation from myself to buy or sell any security. I also do not guarantee the accuracy of these charts and graphs as the data is provided to me without guarantee.
I welcome and encourage feedback.